jeudi 1er février 2018 , par
Depuis octobre 2017 le lycée Georges Braque et Hans Carossa-Gymnasium sous la direction de Monsieur Henning Russbuelt à Spandau, Berlin, appartiennent à la communauté E-twinning. Notre espace partagé comprend 50 membres dont 4 enseignants, l’assistant en langues et 45 élèves. Les élèves de classe de Première L au sein des deux établissements communiquent en anglais sur des forums et ont commencé à échanger sur la thématique de la citoyenneté et de la consommation à partir de l’œuvre « Into The Wild » par Jon Krakauer. Les élèves réinvestissent leur apprentissage dans le Twinspace et affinent leurs compétences écrites en interaction avec leurs camarades berlinois.
Ces échanges doivent se prolonger par des visio-conférences pour dynamiser et développer la communication orale en LVE par le biais des nouvelles technologies.
Témoignages d’élèves de 1L1
Shana Maouche : ‘The English class 1L1 of Mme Beaulieu was invited to speak on-line with students who come from Berlin. We spoke about a movie called « Into the Wild » and another interesting subject – today’s consumer society. The project of the E-twinning platform was interesting because thanks to our Twinspace we can meet and share different points of view on what we studied.
We haven’t got the same ideas so, when we looked at what the German students learned, it was interesting and we wanted to know more.
To conclude, interacting with other teenagers who haven’t got the same way of life as us is rewarding.’
Chaïma Djaballah : ‘Me and my classmates use Etwinning to communicate with our penpals in Berlin. I think that E-twinning is an easy way to get to know new people. It’s also an easy way to discuss or debate ideas with people. At first, it was kind of difficult to use the platform but once you get it, it’s easy. Even if we didn’t talk with our penpals that much, I still think that Etwinning is a good opportunity to express yourself. I also realised that our penpals have a very good English.’
Sana Boukhettame : ‘At first, everyone in the class introduced themselves on E-twinning. We talked about our lessons. We worked on the commercial field and ads. Gavin, our assistant, gave his opinion and some students put pictures. The class talked with the students from Berlin and we talked about the movie « Into The Wild ».